Attorneys, Paralegals and Expert Witnesses: Preparing For Trial from The Florida Bar on Vimeo.
Course #8208. Recorded: 11/28/24. CLE credit: 1 hour General.
Featuring Marsh Law Partner Helene Weiss
Hi, Helene. I’m a paralegal in Florida. And I just wanted to let you know I just finished listening to one of the CLE credits of the courses that you gave. And let me tell you, I have never, and I’ve been doing this for 30 years now, I’ve never heard of a better class. I mean, you nailed it to the point that I told all my lawyers now that I want them to listen to this video, but I just wanted to tell you thank you. I mean, wow. I felt like I was listening to myself. I mean, you nailed it and you nailed it so well from a paralegal perspective. I just, I wanted to let you know that it’s, I don’t know if you teach other courses, but that would be great if you did.
CLE Attendee
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